
Pros & Cons of HTML5 for Mobile Development:

In HTML5, News, PowerPoint, Presentation Software, Presentations, Technology by Open i Networks


One of the key issues for the release of the 2.0 version of iBuildr, was whether to incorporate HTML5 technology for mobile usage of our product. After 18+ months of iBuildr development we can say with complete certainty that HTML5 adds tremendous value and functionality in our ability to incorporate dynamic content on mobile devices.

After relentless testing and improvements, we have been able to provide our clients with a complete anytime, anywhere presentation technology.

“Having just joined Open i Networks, my goals for 2014 will be to provide strategic guidance and to foster the overall growth of Open i Networks, its products and services” Ginsberg said.

“This is going to be an exciting year for Open I, starting with the re-launch of our website followed by the release of our new iBuildr platform. It is important that we stay aggressive with our own internal communication and outreach programs, as well as bring increased clarity to all client based initiatives.”


What do you think? To share you thoughts or talk to us more about how iBuildr uses HTML5 for your product email Scott Oscher at: